The Hour of God’s Gory!

Golden Promise, final version 3, digital art, 01.01.23

As I look at this artwork, I hear:

“Chains are breaking. God’s glory is being released. Search for the hidden manna. Let God satisfy your every longing and desire. God says, “It’s not found in earthly things. Come up higher. Come up higher and take your place next to me, in the throne room. I will show you the earth from a new perspective. I will show you your life from a new perspective. We will rule and reign together. Dear child, quit focusing on the darkness around you. Do you not know that my glory can be made manifest despite the darkest hour? Do you not know that I can release my love and goodness which will saturate you, DESPITE everything the enemy tries to do around you? That you are not of this world? Why concern (worry) yourself with earthly things, when the riches are found in my Kingdom and are not dependent on what is happening here on this earth? My child, I’ve set you apart and called you to rule and reign from above. Take authority over all that is not right and over all that comes against you. I’ve placed you above the angels. As you are one in me, and my son and I are one…and I’ve sent Jesus to steal the keys of death from Hades, Satan is under your feet. He has no power or authority against you as long as you follow after me and abide in me. I’ve given you the keys of heaven to bind and loose and set free.

Matthew 16: 17-19 NIV

“But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?”

16 Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.”

17 Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven. 18 And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it. 19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”

Use your authority. Remain in me and I will remain in you. Nothing shall by any means harm you. The hour is at hand, will you will see me MOVE! Get ready! It’s time for the great showdown! It is time for my power to be released! The hour of power! Do not think things will remain the same, for I am shaking loose those things in your life that are not of me. I am releasing you from the chains and afflictions that have held you bound. I am setting the captives free!

Chains are Broken, mixed media, 12.20.2019

Yes, you will not remain the same under the weight of my glory! Your chains will be broken! Do you believe me? Do you believe that my power is real? Do you believe that I am the Great Deliverer! The Great I AM! That I am faithful and true, and that I keep my promises? Child, you have not seen the likes of what I am about to do!

I am so good, so slow to anger, so faithful, so gentle…But now is the hour to choose if you want me and what I have to offer or more of the world. You cannot serve two masters. I cannot rescue my children without serving justice to the ungodly. Now, is also the hour of swift judgement. The cries of the afflicted have reached a crescendo. The blood of the dead and the wicked deeds that have been running rampant have become a filthy stench in my nostrils. It is time for justice to be served! I am raising you up, my church up, to take authority over this madness. No longer will you be asleep. No longer will you be helpless, discouraged victims! I am raising you, my church, up to overcome! You are overcomers! Death cannot touch you for you have eternal life. It’s time to gird your loins with faith and courage, to step out in boldness. What can man do to you? The body lives a moment and then dies, but the soul lives forever! Do not be afraid. I am with you. Nothing can harm the soul that lives in me.

For I am shining my great light in this dark hour and exposing the wicked deeds. The darkness must flee! It cannot remain in my great light. You, my people, are great lights! Shine brightly and let not your light be diminished! Yes, be free! Shine brightly! Be encouraged! I am bringing such a great joy and peace which cannot be comprehended. For you and I are one, and there are no limitations in my Kingdom! There is no lack in my Kingdom. You are not defined by the things of this world! There are no limits to the goodness that I am releasing upon you. Ask, according to my will, and you will receive.

Yes, I am so good! Sing to me. Sing of my goodness! For I am so good! I am releasing my goodness and my glory here to this Earth! Yes, my glory is being released! Shout for joy! I have heard your prayers, my people. I am faithful to keep my promises! I am a good God that answers prayers! Your barns and your vats shall be overflowing with new wine and the goodness of the Lord! Look up, your Savior draws near! The Deliverer of the world, the Great I Am is here, to save the day!

Published by creativecassandra7

God-lover, artist, writer, art therapist, dreamer, minister. I see life as an adventure of overcoming and bringing light to dark places. I have overcome extensive trauma and sexual abuse and now I share my testimony and teach/preach what God has to say about the recovery process through both logos and rhema words. I love nature, dancing, worship, and all creative expressions. I have a heart to see families restored, curses reversed, and generational blessings released.

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