Decorative Paper Making Process for the Trauma Journal

Well, hello, everyone! I was busy this past Saturday making decorative papers for my trauma journal. It’s so much fun and relaxing to make decorative, painted papers and collage fodder! I spent all day Saturday doing this. It had been maybe a couple of weeks since I made art at home. I was overdue! IContinue reading “Decorative Paper Making Process for the Trauma Journal”

Managing Stress and Burnout through God

Below is the outline and scriptures for the above teaching/preaching (video) Prayer Worship Slide 1: Stress, 02.03.17 We live in troubled times: 33 I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome theContinue reading “Managing Stress and Burnout through God”

Gelli Printing Patchwork and Video Making Progress

Hi everybody. I’ve been trying to establish my youtube channel. There’s a lot that goes into it. My phone does not have enough memory, so I bought a camcorder for $150, thinking I could bypass the memory problem. The camcorder works Ok, but the video quality is not as good as my cell phone. TheContinue reading “Gelli Printing Patchwork and Video Making Progress”

Art updates for July: collages, oil pastels, gelli prints, and black sharpie doodles.

I have been busy making more papers. The collages are great stress relievers for me. They’re usually not planned out and very loose and intuitive. This is satisfying for emotional expression. I don’t worry if they’re pretty or not. Sometimes they are; sometimes they’re not. Even when they’re not, they could be altered further orContinue reading “Art updates for July: collages, oil pastels, gelli prints, and black sharpie doodles.”

More paper making experimentations en route to the grief journals

I have been busy with all kinds of paper making and collage fodder making in preparation for my grief journal workshops as well as my own grief journal. I discovered that paper making is great fun and a great stress reliever. Its also very rewarding to include your own handmade papers in your journal. I’veContinue reading “More paper making experimentations en route to the grief journals”

More collage fodder and distressed geli prints for junk journaling

April 14, 2023 Below are collage pieces that were made this past week. They are oil pastel drawings combined with collage. I scratched into the oil pastels using an old sharpie with no more ink. I used some stencils in the 1st two; in the first one, I added white oil pastel through a flowerContinue reading “More collage fodder and distressed geli prints for junk journaling”

New Prophetic Art: “Expect the Unexpected” and “It’s Raining Joy!”

The art process: “Expect the Unexpected” started from an old collage I came across from 2020, which I added onto. I came across a lot of old art that I found intriguing today and never posted. This one wasn’t one of them. It was just a typical, boring collage, but for some reason, I wasContinue reading “New Prophetic Art: “Expect the Unexpected” and “It’s Raining Joy!””

Golden Rain